"A single-payer plan would largely sideline the insurance industry..." Exactamundo. Single-payer was on the table during the first 6 months or so of the ONE AND A HALF YEAR Congressional logjam that gave us what people insist on calling Obamacare, but I feel is more appropriately termed CongressCare. But single-payer was so excoriated and portrayed as a product of the mind of Satan that it was sidelined early on, leaving Congress to assemble the Frankenstein plan they did. Wonder who influenced that? insurance companies? Well, anyway, when I talk to my dad, who due to his age has Medicare, even he, who has fondness for neither Obama nor government generally, admits "It works pretty good." Like decriminalizing drugs, I feel that we'll inevitably do this. Economics will force it. The question is just whether we go painfully, kicking and screaming and gnashing our teeth, or with an open mind, giving it a try, perfecting it, and, sure, if it doesn't work, then trying something else. Most of the problems I solve are not solved with the first tool or method I try. But I am not easily dissuaded and I keep my mind open to all possible solutions.